澈瞧媚:剧情真够拖拉的 五集都啥都没有讲 编剧真水
Brad 琚: how I love David Cronenberg's style... So disconcerting & puzzling. He manages to find these interstices of strange reality, in which he further inserts fantasmagoric elements, without ever obliterating the principle of coherence or tearing apart the suspension of disbelief that has been firmly established. Every scene is calculated with preciseness, every little thing connects, foreshadows, explains, or deepens the plot. Enthralling atmosphere & foreboding music all along, up to the explosive finale and chilling last scene.
今天晴转多云: Jude don’t make it bad.Take a sad song and make it better. 濃郁飽滿的色彩 詼諧搞怪的冷幽默共同包裹著一個寫滿悲傷孤獨 去和傷疤和解的故事最後老頭的墓誌銘太可愛了好像在幽默地對著所有人說Just kidding